
I'm currently working on adding categories to the transitions viewable in the Impress GUI (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36946).

I'm not sure how best to assign categories to the transitions. The list of transitions is in xml/transitions.xml, which is loaded by source/core/TransitionPreset.cxx. Initially I used the transition-type (mnTransition) as the category, which does work, but results in too many categories, many of which should be joined into one. Therefore I'd like to create new UI categories, but don't know where I should do this.

I could assign the categories directly in the transitions.xml file (which would require some changes to the code importing this file, including changes in xmloff), or I could write a new method in the TransitionPreset class that contains a list of which transition types map to which UI categories (much simpler to write, but less elegant in the case that someone adds more transitions to the file).

Which of these options should I choose, or is there a better way that I could do this?


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