Hi !

Thanks for making this software for free , for your work but yesterday I
was very upset .

I have open a new file save it .docx , like I have done for a file before ,
one more time , just so this was the second time that I have created and
saved a file with Docx and not ODt because in the past couple of my friends
after I have send them the Odt files they said that they could not open
them on Laptop or Mobile and I need to tell them what to install so on so
Yesterday I have said that Lets create a Docx File using Libre so that It
will be compatible for my friends But It was a bad Idea to save it Docx
instead of Odt . It cost me a couple of hours of work .

I have wrote for a couple of hours something like 56 pages after that I
have save it  pressing the button Save many times and I the end I have
discovered that my document had lost 50 + pages ,
they were pics for my anatomy Notes , all my pics were gone just a little
Text had been save it .
very frustrating to lose my work for couple of hours .
I have tried the solution bellow with the Backup and Temporary files and no
file I have found .
I could not believe that this could happen for Libre Office a software with
many years experience behind .
I do not Understand why This Option It is still there Saving As Docx ,
Still Available if it is not Working properly  ? Why not Beta ? Why not a
big Sign that it is possible to loose your Work ?
 if It Is causing Losing Pages 98 % of my pages mayne , 50 + pages with
pictures for Anatomy .
The issue was reported in 2014 and still in 2020 had the same problem .


You can check your recovery folder if you go to Tools -> Options ->
LibreOffice -> Path. There is location of your backup and temporary files.
Just go there to see if anything is there.

nothing , no file .

This idea is very Good with the Backup , Temporary File Saved In ODT
default Saving File System From Libre  but Why it is not Working and this
Should be Mandatory for The case when the File it is Saved on Formats Like
.Docx that that been reported so many time that it is causing loss of Work
,Pages  ?


I have created an Index and the Text part remain and All The Anatomical
Pictures were Gone for Good unfortunately as you can see bellow .

I was sad , upset and frustrated about this but I am appreciate your work
to make this Software free , to develop and this is the reason that I am
giving you this feedback so that others , I hope  not make the same mistake
again .

Thanks .
kind regards,
adrian g

Attachment: LP 9 Notes.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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