> Tml I dunno if you want students to use my existing android project / app,
> please let me know if thats not the case.

Well, I don't really see any point in that, as your project does not
seem to be related in any way to what the the Remote Control GSoC task
(which is what this thread is about) should produce.

And anyway, also for the LIbreOffice-on-Android GSoC task, surely the
student there is capable of creating a dummy Android app that does
basically nothing himself.  The SDK comes with plenty of sample code
after all that one can start from. And the net surely has lots of
simple Android app tutorials with source code, etc. That is not at all
a hard thing in the tasks, to find example code to start with. The
hard thing is the stuff specific to the GSoC task in question,
interfacing with LO, writing the necessary new code / code changes to
the LO code, etc.

And I doubt we want Eclipse projects anyway, Ant projects are better
because you can build them from a Makefile. Or am I missing something?

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