Only sent this to Kohei... sending to list, too, now.

On 12 May 2012 12:09, Stefan Knorr (Astron) <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> On 11 May 2012 17:50, Kohei Yoshida <> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Michael Stahl <> wrote:
>>> i wonder if that restriction is really necessary.
>> IMO it is.  Imagine a case where the same color scale definition is
>> applied to non-contiguous regions, and you having to decide whether to
>> scale those regions as if they are unified, or treat them as
>> independent ranges (therefore independent scaling).  Having that
> Interestingly, MSO 2010 has a feature whereby it automatically adds
> neighbouring cells to conditionally formatted ranges. For instance,
> you can define A5:B7 as the range for the format. If you then click
> into an empty cell at the bottom or right of your defined range (ex:
> cell A8) and add a value to it, the range will automatically become
> A5:B7;A8 [1]. So, while the two-or-more cells restriction still
> applies[2], the continuous range requirement seems like it is reducing
> Excel compatibility, to me (for better or worse).
> Astron.
> [1] Yes, over time, this leads to incredibly ugly ranges, but it is
> very practical when e.g. doing monthly updates on a list.
> [2] I believe what happens when when you set a colour scale for only
> one cell in Excel and use extrema/percentages/percentiles, is that it
> just isn't coloured at all.
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