On 05/16/2012 03:09 PM, Lubos Lunak wrote:
  Now --enable-debug=-sc/ means that sc/ is built without -g and with -O2. In
other words, the compiler spends extra time working on code I don't care
about at all. There was a reason why OPT flags was empty in --enable-debug
build - as soon as I do a developer build, I don't want the compiler to
optimize any code, anywhere, unless explicitly told so.

As code is traditionally known to occasionally behave differently for different -O levels, I'm fine with my personal builds by default using the same -O2 as production builds.

Re "unless explicitly told so"---how is one supposed to tell the build system?

(Or am I confusing what you want to say, and the part of your paragraph starting "as soon as" shall only apply in the context of explicit --enable-debug=-sc/? Likely.)

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