Hi Noel,

On Wednesday, 2012-05-16 09:35:52 +0100, Noel Power wrote:

> >This element can contain one instance of each of the following elements:
> >[and add<number:fill-character>]
> >
> is there a need to specify some tolerance ? e.g. Excel seems to
> accept the presence of multiple repeat character code(s) but only (
> again in the one and only version I tested ) actually use the last
> one.

Yuck..  Language like "if more than one instance is present only the
last one is to be considered" may (rightly) not pass the TC ... it
defeats the one instance rule. We might be forced to save only the last
instance in that case.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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