
On Friday, 2022-01-14 02:38:34 +1100, Chris Sherlock wrote:

> On 12 Jan 2022, at 2:45 pm, Kohei Yoshida <ko...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> > Excel these days returns correct system information, instead of just always 
> > returning "Windows (32-bit) NT 5.01".  It was my understanding that we 
> > couldn't change the string because that's what Excel always returned back 
> > in the old days.  So I assume that's where the "compatibility reasons" 
> > clause comes from.  Maybe Eike can clarify whether I remember this 
> > correctly.

You do.

> > I believe I heard that originally from Daniel Rentz who was the expert on 
> > all things Excel at the time.

Yes, and back then the goal was to strive for compatibility and that NT5
didn't even change for some Windows versions, IIRC.

> > Since the situation has changed today, I think it's reasonable for Calc to 
> > return correct system info as well, and update the help text along with it.

That's reasonable. For Windows and MacOS we should return a string
similar to what Excel returns, if not identical (for identical systems).
Taking system versions into account where they do.

For *iX I think we have every freedom we want. Maybe something like
uname -sro
but cut the -r part after the micro version (so omitting patch level and
whatever distribution info).


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