Hi Winfried,

Winfried Donkers schrieb:
Just give us a heads-up what you
would like to pick so we can get into details. If possible we should
focus on functions defined in the Small/Medium/Large sets of ODFF in
that order, see

I think we cover all of Small and most of Medium, only a few missing,
a double check would be good.

From the Small Group, all but AVERAGIF are available.
Do you want me to start on this formula?
If so, do you have suggestions/warnings/likewise formulas to copy from?
There is no bug for it (yet), but fdo41214 mentions that AVERAGEIF should be in 
AOOo 3.4.

It is (an other functions) in http://hg.services.openoffice.org/cws/calcishmakkica/. But that CWS has not been integrated to Apache OpenOffice yet.

If you will use it for LibreOffice, you should ask Apache to get it under APL2.0 otherwise it is not possible to use it with MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license, which is intended for LibreOffice.

Besides missing functions of ODF1.2, there is a lot to do in improving the Excel import/export filters. Excel 2010 has a lot of new functions.

Kind regards

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