On 29/04/2022 12.54, Michael Weghorn wrote:
    Is that file confidential or can it be shared publicly (attached to a
    Bugzilla ticket)? (I can't read most of the text in it. :-))

 The file is not confidential and can be shared publicly (haha,The text in it is chiness)

Great, thanks.

I've now created a Bugzilla ticket for the initial issue that I could reproduce and have a pending fix for that in Gerrit:

With that in place, I didn't see any more crashes or unexpected memory usage increase when testing more with your sample doc and experimental mode *disabled*.

I can still reproduce a crash due to running out of memory with experimental mode *enabled*, though.

I have created a separate ticket in Bugzilla for that one and added some more information, also mentioning a potential workaround:

I suggest to continue discussion about that particular issue in Bugzilla (e.g. I'd be interested whether your crash also disappears when you do that change locally).

 My compile machine only has 4GB RAM so that i must restrict the symbols but even so the 
memory is also not enough(because of that link error "clang++ error:unable to 
execute command Killed")

4 GB are actually not much. I have no further ideas what you could do/try to do a build with debug symbols in that setup, other than having lots of swap, which will probably be very slow.

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