Hey Albert,

> I already had a quick look at the closing problem and it seems it is
> not a crash. It looks more like a missing close handler which results
> in the parent window being closed which is in this case the LibO
> window but I need to spend some more time on it. I will spend next
> week on your patch and make sure that it is ready for 3-6.

I finally had time to fix the issue with your patch and pushed it to master.

The problem has been that vcl's window class destructor checks that
all child windows are destroyed in dbgutil builds and your design did
not ensure this. The changes that I did to your patch are in

I also fixed a crash that I noticed when using more than 3 sort
entries. I checked and the dialog looks good now.

Thanks a lot for this amazing work. I added it to the 3.6 release notes page.

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