Hi Winfried,

On Friday, 2012-06-08 17:08:38 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:

> >Huh? Accidentally hit the delete line key in your editor?
> No, I did a git pull -r whilst working on the code and forgot to update this 
> file. Should have seen it, though.

Do you know about the git stash command? Seems that could solve such
steps in your workflow. See git stash --help

> >This does not work. Excel doesn't know the XOR function so there is no
> >function identifier available. Inventing a value like 355 also does not
> >work, the values have to be those that Excel uses. So, ...
> >... just leave the function in that section then at least Calc can use
> >it if the .xls is reopened.
> Here I couldn't check Excel and guessed (wrongly) that Excel would have an 
> XOR function.

Well, yes, but even if it did the correct function identifier would have
to be used, not an invented one. For the existing entries in those lists
I trust the original author that if an entry for binary file format
doesn't exist then Excel really doesn't know that ;-)

> All right. I created bug 50882 for the XOR function and will create
> other bug for other functions (I hope I entered the dependancy
> correct).

Yep, fine, also thanks for adding me on Cc.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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