
I've been referred to this mailing list for an answer to the following 
question, originally posted at 

According to https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/tools.html#uno-skeletonmaker the 
argument ‘-t’  “specifies a UNOIDL type name, e.g. com.sun.star.text.XText (can 
be used more than once)”.  This wording is the same as both the 
uno-skeletonmaker command-line ‘help’ and the introductory comments in the 
source code for 'skeletonmaker.cxx'.

However I don't understand which entity the UNOIDL type name is intended to 
qualify.  For example, is it the type of the skeleton code to be generated 
(presumably not, since that’s defined by the ‘calc-add-in’ command), the type 
of each value returned by the Java methods implemented in this addIn, or 
something else?  Anything I've tried results in an "unknown entity" diagnostic.

About seven years ago I wrote an addIn which works well, but it was developed 
by hand-coding everything from scratch and modifying the 'make' file given in 
the SDK examples.  My reference document was the "OpenOffice.org 3.1 
Developer's Guide" published by Sun Microsystems in 2009.  I'm now attempting 
to recompile this addIn using the LO SDK toolset before embarking on a new 

I'd be grateful for any light which members of this list can shed.

David Lochrin

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