On Tue, 2012-06-05 at 11:13 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 11:35:44PM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> > will confirm -- CxxObjects is rather large ... Im beginning to like the 
> > idea of
> > gzipping those.


> Finished a master build:
>     1.2G      workdir/unxlngx6.pro/Dep/

        Modulo compressing the CxxObject deps, I'm still trying to prototype
some more speedups for the concatenated / big-library dependencies with
a few local patches to concat-deps.pl [ the hyper-optimised C version is
not as easy to casually hack ].

        Anyhow - doing some more analysis; I see:

4823735 - lines of LinkTarget/ deps
1598180 - lines containing /boost/
1178594 - offapi
 608585 - udkapi

        So it seems the next big low-hanging fruit after boost is the IDL
compilation. Having got down to 3.2 million lines - having
another 1.7million (over 50%) of the dependency lines being
compiled IDL files is slightly amazing (at least to me).

        I wonder where they all come from and why.

        Anyhow - one obvious oddness reading the code is the .hdl and .hpp
duplication; my question is:

$ grep -R 'api/.*\.hpp' * | wc -l
$ grep -R 'api/.*\.hdl' * | wc -l

        So a few questions:

        if a .idl file is changed is there any circumstance where the .hpp
and .hdl will not both be updated in lock-step.

        Also - do all IDL generated .hpp deps ultimately include all the .hdl
files as well ? ie. we could simply elide \.hdl$ from all dependency
files ? - which might knock 25% off our deps at a very trivial stroke.

        Then again a small number of files include .hdl files directly; is that
a bug ? :-)



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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