Hi all, I was annoyed by the oververbose gerrit query output so I fixed
it for me.

I learned too late that David has something similar as logerrit
in the core repository. But it is in shell script, and I have written a
small query helper in python. It lists outstanding patches similar to
"git log" (it also uses less to show them). The output is like this:

id    : I078ad7bcd2b5dff39969deb44fd8a11076ce27c2 
Author: David Ostrovsky <david.ostrov...@gmx.de>
Date  : Fri Jun 22 07:19:12 2012, updated: Fri Jun 22 11:49:34 2012
Subject: polishing user interface

The code is at git://gitorious.org/querrit/querrit.git and requires
Python3. Check it out and do ./querrit -h for help. By default it tries
to connect to host logerrit (but you can override the host with a

To test your connection do "querrit test", to do the standard query (all
open patches) simply do "querrit". To only see open patches that you
have starred, add "--qopts is:starred".

Feedback is welcome. I plan to add some config file support to be able
to configure the hostname. If I have plenty of time, I'll also add a
userfriendly "review" tool.

Just to let you know.
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