2012/6/29 Noel Grandin <noelgran...@gmail.com>:
> On 2012-06-29 14:30, Philipp Riemer wrote:
>> Hey Noel, I would like to offer my help for that because I have some spare
>> time over the weekend. If it's ok with you, can you send me (better off the
>> list, I guess) some pointers to files/folders I can start working on?
> It's always great to get more people helping with LibreOffice, but first
> let's see how happy the powers-that-be are with my changes :-)

OK ;-)

> I'm sure exactly to what degree the LO hackers want such changes (I'm not
> even sure if they'll be happy with all of my generics changes).
> So we should probably wait for some feedback before proceeding.
> Just as a note for other people - I did the bulk of the work using Eclipse
> and it's built-in re-factoring tools and quickfix tools.
> Most of my time was spent
> (a) configuring an Eclipse workspace to handle the weird and wonderful
> directory layouts that the LO java code lives in.
> (b) handling the tricky little edge cases that the automatic tools could not
> figure out.
> (c) in the case of javadoc errors, trying to figure out the original
> intention, so I could update it correctly.

Did you consider sharing this eclipse project config file or create a
blog/wiki post, so that not everyone would need to figure out all this
nittygritty stuff..?

> Now that I think about it, one thing you could do that would help, and that
> I'm pretty sure the LO hackers would not mind, is to run a spellcheck tool
> over the java code, and fix whatever errors you may find.
> These links should be enough to get you started:
> http://blogs.operationaldynamics.com/andrew/software/java-gnome/spell-checking-source-code
> http://www.bdaum.de/eclipse/

Thank you for the links! I wasn't aware that such a spellchecking tool
even exists as an Eclipse plugin. Even while wishing for it, I never
actually checked if someone already did that work.

I will see what I can do.

Have a nice weekend!
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