Michael, not quite sure where you're talking about putting that statement.

Noel, agreed, but I think we can be better than that ;) My goal is and
continues to be to have all bug statuses correct by the end of the year and
then to never have a bug go UNCONFIRMED for more than a month (maybe 2)

I like the idea of a whiteboard status along with WONTFIX and a comment to
the bug reporter. How does everyone feel about that?

We could put WONTFIX with a message to the reporter that states.
"Unfortunately because of the limited number of developers and the minimal
impact that this enhancement will have on our user base we have decided to
mark this bug as WONTFIX. We have added a whiteboard status of
PATCHESWELCOME so if one of the developers ever have time or the desire
they can look this up."

Then of course we can be more detailed to specific requests like this one,
such as saying the software is closed source and would be really difficult
to implement.


On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 1:53 AM, Michael Meeks <michael.me...@suse.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 2012-06-29 at 17:35 -0700, Joel Madero wrote:
> > One of my mein concerns is that we aren't keeping up with bug reports
> > so we may close a bug at eol without anyone from QA or any developer
> > ever looking at it. To me this seems unfair to the reporter.
>         We could append a statement about - due to the volume of bug
> reports,
> help triaging issues is much appreciated (or something). Hopefully we
> can get a duplicate-finder working for the submission assistant, and/or
> encourage some basic de-duplication during filing that may help (?) :-)
>        If that helps ?
>                Michael.
> --
> michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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