framework/source/services/autorecovery.cxx |   40 +++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 852cd511258e97a0df3b6fbe9fc0ae670c3fc843
Author:     Justin Luth <>
AuthorDate: Mon Jun 10 15:50:29 2024 -0400
Commit:     Justin Luth <>
CommitDate: Tue Jun 11 02:17:28 2024 +0200

    tdf#57414 tdf#160769 autorecovery: keep open docs in RecoveryList
    This reverts parts of the LO 24.2 patches commited for bug 57414.
    There were lots more vocal people than I expected
    that want the crash-recovery to restore their session state.
    Since there is no working alternative to trigger a session save,
    just revert the bits that made the RecoveryList clean
    (as I and other users had requested)
    and revert back to the original, historic behaviour.
    This means that now the following files will again be recovered:
    - saved documents (opened from file URL)
    - read-only documents (opened from file URL)
    - files that were opened, but never modified (opened from file URL)
    - files from now-potentially-unavailable disks/servers/temp-dirs
       - recovery will attempt to access those file URLs
    At least one benefit remains:
    - new, unmodified documents will not be in the RecoveryList
    Maybe I'll look into a session save option for 25.2.
    Change-Id: I2477f194bf94f14620d284728027846ec5b6119e
    Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
    Tested-by: Jenkins

diff --git a/framework/source/services/autorecovery.cxx 
index 246d8438bbae..3e3d92ba6a63 100644
--- a/framework/source/services/autorecovery.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/services/autorecovery.cxx
@@ -110,24 +110,32 @@ using namespace css::lang;
 using namespace framework;
 /** After the fact documentation - hopefully it is correct.
+ *
+ * NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: instsetoo_native/ooenv sets the environment variable 
+ * which means that your non-gdb execution of the compiled code will not 
display the recovery dialog
+ * and if officecfg::Office::Recovery::RecoveryList has some autosave files to 
+ * then autorecovery itself will not be started, and none of the code in this 
file will be executed.
+ * THEREFORE you probably want to COMMENT OUT that environment variable when 
working in this file.
  * AutoRecovery handles 3 types of recovery, as well as periodic document 
- *   1) timed, ODF, temporary, recovery files created in the backup folder
- *      -can instead be used to actually save the documents periodically if 
settings request that.
+ *   1a) timed, automatic saving of the documents (aka UserAutoSave)
+ *   or more commonly:
+ *   1b) timed, ODF, temporary recovery files created in the backup folder 
(default setting)
  *      -temporary: deleted when the document itself is saved
  *      -handles the situation where LO immediately exits (power outage, 
program crash, pkill -9 soffice)
- *          -not restored immediately
+ *          -not restored immediately (user needs to restart LibreOffice)
  *          -no guarantee of availability of recovery file (since deleted on 
document save)
- *           or original document (perhaps /tmp, removeable, disconnected 
- *          -therefore does not include unmodified files in RecoveryList 
(@since LO 24.2).
- *            -TODO: perhaps can be enhanced for users who always want 
sessions restored?
+ *           or original document (perhaps /tmp, removeable disk, disconnected 
+ *          -TODO tdf#57414: if SessionSave not desired, don't recover 
unmodified files.
  *   2) emergency save-and-restart immediately triggers creation of temporary, 
ODF, recovery files
  *      -handles the situation where LO is partially functioning (pkill -6 
  *          -restore attempted immediately, so try to restore entire session - 
all open files
  *          -always create recovery file for every open document in emergency 
  *      -works without requiring AutoRecovery to be enabled
- *   3) session save on exit desired by OS or user creates recovery files for 
every open document
- *      -triggered by some OS's shutdown/logout (no known way for user to 
initiate within LO)
+ *   3) session save on exit requested by OS or user
+ *      -triggered by OS's shutdown/logout
+ *          -appears to be purely theoretical: no known working OS at the 
+ *          -also no known way for user to initiate within LO (tdf#146769)
  *      -same as emergency save, except maybe more time critical - OS kill 
  *          -not restored until much later - the user has stopped doing 
computer work
  *          -always create recovery file for every open document: needed for 
/tmp, disconnected docs
@@ -617,8 +625,9 @@ private:
      *        EmergencySave and SessionSave are interested in all open 
documents (which may not
      *        even be available at next start - i.e. /tmp files might be lost 
after a reboot,
      *        or removable media / server access might not be connected).
-     *        On the other hand, timer-based autorecovery should not be 
interested in recovering
-     *        the session, but only modified documents that are recoverable
+     *        TODO: On the other hand, timer-based autorecovery in theory
+     *        would not be interested in recovering the session,
+     *        but only modified documents that are recoverable.
      *        (TODO: unless the user always wants to recover a session).
     void implts_flushConfigItem(AutoRecovery::TDocumentInfo& rInfo, bool 
bRemoveIt = false,
@@ -2544,8 +2553,8 @@ void AutoRecovery::implts_registerDocument(const 
css::uno::Reference< css::frame
     } /* SAFE */
-    // Even if the document is modified, we don't know if we have anything to 
recover, so don't add.
-    implts_flushConfigItem(aInfo, /*bRemoveIt=*/false, /*bAllowAdd=*/false);
+    // Don't register new documents here. (They are registered elsewhere when 
saved or modifed...)
+    implts_flushConfigItem(aInfo, /*bRemoveIt=*/false, 
@@ -2720,8 +2729,7 @@ void AutoRecovery::implts_markDocumentAsSaved(const 
css::uno::Reference< css::fr
     } /* SAFE */
-    // no need to recover a saved document until modified and new recovery 
file is created
-    implts_flushConfigItem(aInfo, /*bRemoveIt=*/true);
+    implts_flushConfigItem(aInfo, /*bRemoveIt=*/false);
@@ -3144,7 +3152,7 @@ void AutoRecovery::implts_saveOneDoc(const OUString&
-            // skip recovery if it will be removed anyway.
+            // skip recovery if it was already saved in-place.
             if (!bRemoveIt)
@@ -3230,7 +3238,7 @@ void AutoRecovery::implts_saveOneDoc(const OUString&
     // If it is modified, a recovery file has just been created, so add to 
-    implts_flushConfigItem(rInfo, bRemoveIt, /*bAllowAdd=*/bModified);
+    implts_flushConfigItem(rInfo, /*bRemoveIt=*/false, 
     // We must know if the user modifies the document again ...

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