
This week I've finished working on the CRM Database port and used it to
finish porting the Junit test that was located in
dbaccess/qa/complex/dbacces/DataSource.java. The file
dbaccess/qa/unit/CRMdatabase_test.cxx now contains two tests, one for the
CRM Database, testing that it can be created, inserted into and some
prepared queries are prepared and can be used to return the correct
results. And the second test is the port of the Junit DataSource test,
which now uses the CRM Database to register a new datasource as well as
check if the Bibliography datasource is available and has the correct name.
The patch has been merged and can be found here


While working on the CRMDatabase tests I started working on some Missing
Unit tests. Hossein gave me some help on reverting bug fixes in order to
reproduce bugs for testing. The help paid off as I was able to easily


by manually changing the code. The tests were trivial to write, I'm
currently working on eliminating the need for the test files, by
reproducing the document within the test, thereby saving space in the LO
build.  The test can be found here


Last of all, I've started working on writing some UI tests in python for
the two related bug fixes/feature requests


I have the test for tdf#15742 mostly finished, I've just been stalled a bit
by correctly detecting the infoBar. After these tests are finished, my
current plan is to at some point convert them to CppUnit.

That's it for now, have a good week
Adam Seskunas

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