Hi Andrzej,

        As agreed; the plan is to work the weeks: July 16th to end Sep 24th;
and we have the following breakdown / task ordering with time estimates.

        The estimates are primarily for practising estimating things, and of
course switching things about is just fine; but it's nice to get a gauge
of how long things take :-) My view is that they are under-estimates,
but I hope to being wrong :-)

        It's an exciting project for sure, and I look forward to it's
completion & using it myself.



Tasks refer rather succinctly to the beautiful design from the UX team
that is here:


A. sync. issues with protocol, tracking slide changes,
   protocol / priority issues => queue of requests
   to process.         [ 3md ]

B. Thumbnail view [ 2md ]

C. 3D slide / next-slide view [ 5md ]

D. Red bar at top + timer [ 2md ]

E. Options / blank-screen etc. [ 2md ]

F. Notes export as XHTML & rendering [ 2md ]

G. pairing / discovery / selection + PIN UI [ 5md ]

H. Error / dis-connection screen [ 1md ]

I. Rotated views [ 1md ]

J. touch navigation via volume controls [ 1md ]

K. Credits screen [ 1md ]

L. bluetooth discovery / integration [ 5md ]

M. debugging / polish / etc. - [ remainder ]

michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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