Hi Ruslan,

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Ruslan Kabatsayev
<b7.10110...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> After pulling master updating from tree dated by ~July 18, LibO no
> longer builds for me. Here's what I get: http://pastebin.com/YiXhAvM4
> I don't quite understand what's wrong here and how to fix this. Any ideas?

I've only seen this error with a very particular version of gcc, not
the latest but one of the older versions.  It basically comes down to
an issue with std::back_inserter() function object defined in the STL
library.  Since the newer versions of gcc don't exhibit this problem,
and non-gcc compilers handle the said code just fine, I just assumed
that it was an issue with that particular version of gcc...

As a test, when you clone the upstream master branch of mdds from


run autogen.sh and make check (or simply make test.mtv), do you get
the same build error?

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