Hi Ape

ape píše v St 22. 08. 2012 v 21:34 -0700:
> Hi, Petr!

If you write a mail to a person, it is better to put it into the "TO" or
"CC" filed ;-) I read too many mailing lists. I do not read them all
every day. Also I filter mails by subject, so it is easy to miss such
hidden requests.

> I watched today the latest builds for Windows:
> The file "libreoffice-3-6~..._build_info.txt" wrote:
>  checking the Version of Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found compiler version
> 001500003072 (MSVS 2008)
> ...
> Files "soffice.bin.manifest"; "s{program's_name}.exe" (content - "Manifest")
> say:
>  <assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC90.CRT'
> version='9.0.21022.8'...
> This is not critical, but still a mistake. "MSVCR-2008 (9.0.21022.8)", and
> not "MSVCR-2008sp1 (9.0.30729.17)", you must have in folders 
> "${ORIGIN}/program /.." and "${ORIGIN}/URE/bin/..", if it's not installed on
> the system.
> Note: this is also true for LibreOffice-3.7.0

Ah, I am not Windows expert. Andras, Tor, Fridrich, do you have any idea
what is wrong with the above?

Anyway, thanks for testing and reporting bug.

Best Regards,

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