On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Noel Grandin <n...@peralex.com> wrote:
> If you tell me that the saving from not having the nCapacity field is the
> motivation, then I get understand, but then we should update the docs to
> reflect that fact, rather than pretending that OUString is immutable.

>From what I gathered: the thing pointed to by OUString _is_ immutable
but you can make a OUString point to another 'immutable content'.
iow it is not OUString that is immutable... but it's 'payload'.

I may be wrong, but I assume that the reason OUString is like that is
not just to save a nCapacity... but also because there are assumption
you can make if that property is true (that OUString only point to
immutable data, regarding memory allocation, copy, clone etc...

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