On 2012-10-15 20:40, Jeremy Brown wrote:

My current problem is that I run make and it runs for a while and then
dies in tail_build with an error like this:
*** multiple target patterns. Stop.
You need the LO-specific gmake.

In my failed build on Windows, can anyone tell me if I should be
concerned about these types of messages which I'm receiving quite a
few of
LinkTarget Library/glib-2.0.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be there!
D:/Dev/libo/libo/solenv/inc/shlinfo.rc(55) : warning RC4003: not
enough actual parameters for macro 'PPSX'
C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\stdlib.h(772) : warning C4068: unknown pragma
Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/DNOMINMAX' with '/UNOMINMAX'

You can ignore those.

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