On 02/08/2013 12:47 AM, Rai, Neeraj wrote:
I am having trouble trying to wrap UNO function call in BASIC macro.
I got the macro from the following SimpleCalcAddin example.
1.      mgr = getProcessServiceManager()
2.       o = mgr.createInstance("org.openoffice.sheet.addin.CalcAddinSock")
3.       o.startThr()
(where my idl service returned by getServiceName() is
         and it defines a function startThr)
I can call the funciton startThr() using "=" in the spread sheet.
Also, the original example RNG is callable from macro by following the

So the org.openoffice.sheet.addin.CalcAddinSock service you specified implements a new UNO interface that you added (and which has a method startThr), right? Did you bundle in your extension a types.rdb that contains the information about that new interface? Helping you would probably be easiest if you gave the full source code of your extension, along with short instructions how to build it (e.g., "call make from within a configured LO SDK environment").

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