(Please keep me and Zolnai in CC in this discussion. Thanks.)

In the context of https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/1994

Zolnai is contributing a nice feature to LibreOffice Base, but in the
review of the patch I'm hitting what should be a simple issue: how to
"get" a number (or special value All) from the user?

My assumption is that in some locales we should allow the user to use
other digits that the ASCII 0-9 (byte values 0x30 to 0x39). I *think*
Zolnai's patch does this right, but could someone please check it out
from this POV? Thanks in advance. Maybe there is even simpler (as in
"more code reuse instead of reinventing the wheel"), and there is a
vcl class that we can "just" derive from to get a number entry box?
But we also need a special value "All", so maybe Zolnai did it the
simplest way possible already :)

One question I'm less sure about:

In the non-ASCII digit locales, is there any reason to reject ASCII
digits? Should we do that?

In all these questions, if we do "the same as the other number entries
in LibreOffice (e.g. font size, configuration of undo stack depth,
...)", then I'm happy. I'm not trying to do better.

Thanks in advance for the help,

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