
sending a partial patch to Bug 60724 - spelling errors and typos in
binaries found by lintian.
Correcting wrongly spelled word "paramater" to correct "parameter".

Vojta Koukal

All of my past and future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed
under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license.
diff --git a/connectivity/inc/connectivity/parameters.hxx b/connectivity/inc/connectivity/parameters.hxx
index e81e39f..648f8df 100644
--- a/connectivity/inc/connectivity/parameters.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/inc/connectivity/parameters.hxx
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace dbtools
                 name is a column name, so an implicit parameter had to be generated for it
-            /** parameters which are filled externally (i.e. by XParamaters::setXXX, or by the parameter listeners)
+            /** parameters which are filled externally (i.e. by XParameters::setXXX, or by the parameter listeners)
diff --git a/connectivity/inc/connectivity/paramwrapper.hxx b/connectivity/inc/connectivity/paramwrapper.hxx
index e2fbfc3..f2f6354 100644
--- a/connectivity/inc/connectivity/paramwrapper.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/inc/connectivity/paramwrapper.hxx
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ namespace param
-    //= ParamatersContainer
+    //= ParametersContainer
     typedef ::rtl::Reference< ParameterWrapperContainer >   ParametersContainerRef;
diff --git a/xmloff/dtd/drawing.mod b/xmloff/dtd/drawing.mod
index d80fd05..42a6013 100644
--- a/xmloff/dtd/drawing.mod
+++ b/xmloff/dtd/drawing.mod
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@
 <!ATTLIST draw:plugin %draw-position;>
 <!ATTLIST draw:plugin %draw-end-position; >
-<!-- Paramaters -->
+<!-- Parameters -->
 <!ELEMENT draw:param EMPTY>
 <!ATTLIST draw:param draw:name CDATA #IMPLIED>
 <!ATTLIST draw:param draw:value CDATA #IMPLIED>
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