Time Begin: 1310
*Note*: Technical difficulties with Talkyoo forced us to do an IRC chat based meeting

*People Present: *
    Bjoern, Brenda, Cor, Florian, Joel, Petr, Rob, Robinson, Steve

*Pending Action Items: *

    *Attachments on FDO (Auto default)
+Bjoern has contacted Tollef -- fell off radar but wants to get it done this week +/*ACTION*/: Bjoern is going to ask Tollef if he could use some help with FDO management, we understand he's really busy but we have some small tasks that probably could be done on our side if right permissions were given.

    *NEEDINFO Stagnant Bugs
+Joel did not start process because process to track bugs was not set
        +Options to track:
            -New temporary whiteboard status
                *Pros: Easy
*Problem: would require going back and removing status, adding yet another whiteboard status isn't ideal
            -Specific comment that we could easily query out
                *Pro: Relatively easy
                *Con: Slow & tedious search
            -New QA TDF Email (or outside of TDF if necessary)
*Pro: Really easy to query, acts more like "QA action" vs. individual action, shields individual members a little from negative feedback because of group decision.
                *Cons: Not sure that we can get TDF email
+/*AGREED*/: Option 3 is best for many reasons, even if no TDF email, possible to use outside email address +/*AGREED*/: 2 Emails Addresses may be best (one for QA Admin stuff such as warnings, one for FDO management) +/*ACTION*/: Joel will investigate email option and hopefully move forward with closing bugs soon

    *Localized French BSA
+Rob gave update, translation done, most work done but still some snags with Fr-QA mailing list +/*ACTION*/: Robinson will get in touch with Sophie to see if we need a QA wiki page describing procedures with new BSA. If we do, he will coordinate with her to write one

-The Document Foundation (TDF) is unable to pay for prizes because of legal reasons, but handing out LibreOffice merchandise should work -/*ACTION*/: Joel and Robinson will shop around for prices for things such as laptop cases, tshirts -/*AGREED*/: Should price in US and Europe to minimize shipping -/*AGREED*/: Buying in bulk along at a similar time as an event might save money
                *Hamburg Hakfest may be at similar time
-Joel can purchase the stuff in advance if needed if he will be reimbursed but will try to avoid this -/*ACTION*/: Petr will talk to Kendy about anything we might currently have available but Joel thinks that it is quite limited currently, our stock of stuff is depleted. -/*AGREED*/: Not a pressing issue, have at least until May to finalize

*New Action Items:
        +Bugs filed against Extensions, Templates, Etc...
-Extensive talk about if bugs reported against Extensions & Templates are our bugs -In general there is agreement that NOTOURBUG along with a friendly comment saying to contact the extensions developer is the appropriate response \
             but there are some issues
*There are some extensions that are bundled with LibreOffice -- these are clearly are bug even if author has quit developing the extension *No agreement how to mark them as of yet but options discussed (see "options" below)
            -Extension/Template Options
1. Close as NOTOURBUG + comment to contact extensions author
                    -Remember some extensions are bundled with LibreOffice
-Here adding ability to have "comments" on extensions would be great so that users could directly get in touch with extension developing -If comment not available, having an easy "contact author" button would be good
                2. New Product for "Extensions" on FDO
                    -Add an entirely new product on FDO for Extensions
-Some concern that this will not help QA at all and will only confuse users -Another potential issue is if we have a contract with FDO for 1 product (not sure) -Another issue is that we would use component for this product for each extension, meaning we would have >150 components. Lots of work for QA to sort 3. Add a New Component (Official Extensions vs. Unofficial) -Official would be our bug, unofficial would get #1 option applied
            -Other Notes
*Having an "official badge" was discussed, would be a really useful addition to extension site *If author has abandoned their extension, we can either delete the extension if it's broken or make bug report an enhancement if another developer wishes to fix it

-*AGREED*: Move discussion to email, try to find consensus, if not vote to decide

    *Certified QA Team
+Question about if QA should have certification process like new certified developers
        +/*AGREED*/: Not appropriate/needed at this time
+/*AGREED*/: Having a "core team" page that is hard coded on website, possibly with images of us would be useful -- if for no other reason than to develop sense of community and pride in our commitment. Also useful for resume building for our team members
        +/*ACTION*/: Joel will contact web team about this

    *Talkyoo Problem
        +/*ACTION*/: Everyone will look at alternatives
-IRC was a +1 for some people present, more people definitely involved this way
            -If we go to new phone service, should include skype call in
        +/*ACTION*/: Petr will investigate problem with Talkyoo
        +/*AGREED*/: Talkyoo has consistently been a headache

*End Time*: 14:15
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