Olivier R. wrote:
> There is no error report if Python crash while running.
> There is no error report if there is a syntax error (except when installing
> extension, but not if you modify the code directly in extension folder).
> There is no stdout for the command “print”.
Hi Olivier,

I wonder - would much of the pain be gone if stdout/stderr would be
working? There are two tricks to achieve that, Tor recently mentioned

 editbin /subsystem:console soffice.exe

should do that - the other one can be found under the keyword devenv
on stackexchange. Also IIRC the visual studio has a window receiving
such program output. PyUno itself has various checks for a DEBUG
variable, I wonder if that could not be controlled via config.

If you would be willing to hack on improving our windows story here,
I'd be glad to help with code pointers.


-- Thorsten

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