On 05/06/2013 07:25 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
What is weird, is that my default Java is Java 6 and LO is configured to
use Java 6. I have both OpenJDK 6 and OpenJDK 7 on my PC.

"LO is configured to use Java 6": for building (i.e., as a switch in your autogen.input) or at runtime (i.e., at "Tools - Options... - LibreOffice - Advanced - Java options")? The latter is preset via some code that tries to find the "best" JRE on your machine, so could easily pick a JRE 7 if you have installed both 6 and 7, even if you configured your LO build to compile against a JDK 6.

It seems that official builds (LO does not start a JVM at
launch time.

Can depend on what (bundled) extensions are included, for example.

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