Vishv Brahmbhatt wrote:
> I am very much exited to hear that I have been selected as one of
> the student to work on LibreOffice for GSOC-2013 summer!
Hi Vishv,

a very warm welcome also from our side - truly happy to have you
hacking on Impress over the summer! :)

> I have gone through the guidelines of "LibreOffice Community" for
> GSOC. I am eager to dive into the code early.I am not habituate in
> writing Blogs,but I'll soon start blogging about my progress on the
> project and update the mailing-list with my weekly-report.
Right, getting into the habit of regular public updates early would be
good, and with a blog, you can build a readership at the same time. :)

So the next steps are, making yourself comfortable with a recent
master build, get sd with debug symbols, and start wrapping your head
around how this is currently implemented. Code to read / place to
stick a breakpoint into and single-stepping is:


Happy hacking,

-- Thorsten

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