Hi Christina,

On 18.06.2013 21:09, Christina Roßmanith wrote:

you have found the developer of the SVG import, congrats ;-). Sure I am willing to help and always interested in bug reports for my importer; I have fixed some in the last days anyways. To do so, I would need a bug report on the Apache AOO bugtracker, containing the needed description, evtl. test files and suggestions/patches. Please provide this here (http://issues.apache.org/ooo/). I am developing for the public good at apache, so this will then be available for everyone, including LO (see my blog here: https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/good_news_libreoffice_is_integrating). The other way round you will prevent 50mio others to profit from your work.


the problem described here -> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64125 is caused by a missing width and height attribute of the SVG given as an example. So, what would we expect given a ViewBox attribute when importing a graphic?

What I'd expect is that the aspect ratio is kept and a reasonable scaling is applied in order to fill a page, table cell or whatever. And that the little green squares (handles?) behave like a bounding box for the graphic content. Is that correct?

What I've achieved so far is the correct scaling. What I'm looking for is where the total size of the graphic is still determined wrong (see attached screenshot) -> little green squares are more like DIN A4 than the ViewBox size.

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