Hello all,

This week I've had some important progresses that I would like to share
with you! I'm copying this to the QA mailing list as I've promised to let
you know once this app is ready for tests.

What have been done during the last week:
- the app handles server connection more smoothly, it is now a two step
procedure (connection with a timeout of 3 secs and if connected, another 5
secs are allowed to wait for the initial pairing instruction sent from
server) as I notice that on Windows the initial pairing message from server
comes significantly slower than on Mac OS or Linux.

- slide show preview page now provides two user options: 1. auto-start
timer, 2. touch pointer.

- Touch pointer means that users can touch the enlarged image directly and
we will track the movement and send the coordinates to the server
accordingly. This is much easier to code, more reliable to use for now and
I will use this mode for server-end hacking.

- accelerometer based pointer is still in its infancy, I've implemented an
experimental version and it's not really usable for now (it reflects
approximately where you point at if you calibrate the phone in the right
way and don't move your phone... ). I've discussed this issue with Norbert
Thiebaud and Andrzej J.R. Hunt and received some nice tips but I would
rather save that at the end when everything else is ready as it's quite a
crazy idea to implement xD

- And finally, the app has been updated to be stay compatible with iOS5

What I'll be working on next week:
- Fix the bug that I've discussed with Andrzej, that is, if the computer is
connected to an external display, the currentSlideshow number sent
initially would be most of the time 0 instead the real slidenumber (if we
starts the slideshow from the middle for ex.).

- Implement the pointer feature on the server end & discuss with Artur in
order to stay in consistency with the android app.

- eventually other bug fixes & bonjour service implementation on the server

A final word: if you have an iOS device (for now it's iPhone only but it
also works on iPad in a much smaller way :-P), feel free to do some test
and let me know if any bugs&suggestions.

Also, should I publish this version on the app store so that people don't
have to compile it? Or export it to an ipa file?

That's it for now,



Siqi LIU

Étudiant Ingérieur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Vice-Président de l'association robotique UTCoupe
Responsable d'atelier de ClubChine

  Tel. +33 7 61 16 95 83
  email: m...@siqi.fr
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