Hello everybody,

I just tested some of the SDK examples (to find here:
http://api.libreoffice.org/examples/java) but especially the SWriter.java
and the DocumentHanlder.java.

In Netbeans the SWriter.java runs well, the DocumentHandler.java has no
proper Main() to run it in Netbeans directly.

My Problem is now, I created a jar of the SWriter.java and run it in cmd,
but get this error:


C:\Users\HasnaouiA\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SWriter\dist>java -jar

com.sun.star.comp.helper.BootstrapException: no office executable found!
        at com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap.bootstrap(Bootstrap.java:262)
        at packSW.SWriter.main(SWriter.java:69)


Same with the DocumentHandler!

Could someone help me get them running?
LO is installed on the machine, do I have to specify anywhere, where it is


Hasnaoui A.
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