On 10/10/13 09:14, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 10/09/2013 10:58 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:

>> I don't know why it is used for Mac, as there are no individual
>> packages, but I assume that's scp2 heritage.
> ....which brings me back to my original question for a universal trigger 
> whether or not to produce installation sets during a build.
> Seeing that --enable-epm currently effectively fulfills that role 
> everywhere but on Windows, one option would be to make it fulfill that 
> role on Windows too.  (I have a local patch to do that.)
> The alternative would be to introduce an explicit 
> --enable-installation-sets.  Opinions, anyone?

we already have --with-package-format, much simpler to do nothing if the
user doesn't specify that than adding another option, or using
--enable-epm on a plaform where EPM is irrelevant.

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