If you use the LO git repo to build the mysql-connector-ooo.oxt
extension (via --enable-ext-mariadb-connector, formerly
--enable-ext-mysql-connector) and then use/distribute that extension as
a non-bundled extension (i.e., not unzip it into a LO installation's
share/extensions/ directory): Please be aware that doing so off the LO
git libreoffice-4-1[-*] and master (towards LO 4.2) branches leads to a
broken extension that should not be distributed.
What is broken is detailed at
"Extension shared library components must not use the 'prefix' feature,"
along with a fix of the problem, for which I also requested backports to
libreoffice-4-1 (<https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/6209/>) and
libreoffice-4-1-3 (<https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/6210/>).
A further reason I'm so panicky about not distributing any broken
versions is that there are cooking up changes to the UNO component
"prefix" feature that would make it desirable that no non-bundled
extension ever used that "prefix" feature.
In the wild, I find:
"MySQL Native Connector for LibreOffice 4.x" from an UNKNOWN UPLOADER,
which only offers
which is apparently too old to be affected.
"MySQL Native Connector" from an UKNOWN UPLOADER which only offers
which both are apparently too old to be affected.
* <http://sourceforge.net/projects/lomysqlconnectorextension/> by Alex
Thurgood, which /is/ affected. Alex, can you make available a fixed
build there, either off master past
or off libreoffice-4-1 past pending integration of
Andreas, can you contact the uploaders of the two extensions marked
"UNKNOWN UPLOADER" above, to make sure they do not inadvertently upload
broken versions?
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