Le 20/10/2013 13:29, Lionel Elie Mamane a écrit :

Hi Lionel,

The problem was solved after a spell in package dependency hell - thanks to the packages provided by the MariaDB project :-/

I had removed all of the Ubuntu mysql packages and replaced them with the "equivalent" MariaDB DEB packages from the repo that the MariaDB project provides. However, the two library sets are not the same, and MariaDB's libmariadbclient (including libmysqlclient18 virtual package placeholder) and libmariadb-dev packages are not the same so, when one tries to remove them, all hell breaks loose.

After much gnashing of teeth, forcibly removing of spurious configuration files and debian flag files, I managed to reinstall Ubuntu's 13.04 mysql packages. My build is now once again progressing with the switches you provided, but I'm staying away from MariaDB until that mess gets sorted out.

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