
On Sunday, 2013-12-22 14:35:28 +0100, Kevin André wrote:

> He seems to post pseudo helpful text, combined with links to spam
> posts to remove. Of course his objective is not to get those removed,
> but to get them higher in search results by posting links to them.

The reason might actually be the opposite..

| Some background on the below: Google has recently changed its
| algorithms, and the presence of obvious spam mails pointing to a site
| now *lower* that site's Google rank.  So the same "search engine
| optimization" people who created the spams for pay in the first place
| are now frantically trying to get the spams removed, to keep their
| clients from suing them.  I think gcc is best served by just leaving the
| spams in the archive, as permanent punishment for the people who paid to
| wreck the Internet for their own gain.



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