On 08/01/14 12:00, Winfried Donkers wrote:

> The company I work for uses MS Visio to create illustrations, which are 
> embedded into Writer documents (and not saved separately as Visio document). 
> Since we started using LibreOffice versions later than 3.5 (I think), we have 
> seemingly random problems with LibreOffice freezing when opening an embedded 
> Visio object.
> The problem is very hard to reproduce (I have been trying for months, and 
> have succeeded only once*), but it can occur multiple times on a single day 
> for a single user. 

> I know that the SolarMutex issue is getting attention, and that area is far 
> beyond my capabilities.
> But could there be a way to recognize these deadlocks and kill these 
> deadlocks without killing the LibreOffice application?

not really.

> Possibly, with help from the experts, I might be able to create a temporary 
> 'patch' ...
> I have not created a bug report for this, since I could find no way to 
> reproduce the problem. Depending on your reaction(s) I will create the bug 
> report.

it's usually possible to fix a deadlock from just a backtrace of all

you say you have a user who has been blessed by the gods with an ability
to reproduce the problem, so give them an LO with debug symbols (perhaps
use Kendy's fancy symbol-server thing or build it yourself), and once
it's properly locked up attach Visual Studio (or windbg) and copy all
the stacks and file a bug (CC: me).

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