
On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:13 PM, John Smith <lbalba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Markus, Stephan:
> Thanks.
> I rebuild with './configure --enable-python=internal', but I still get
> the same results:
> # pwd
> /usr/local/src
> # /usr/local/src/libreoffice/instdir/program/python
> dev-tools/test-bugzilla-files/test-bugzilla-files.py
> --soffice=path:/usr/local/src/libreoffice/instdir/program/soffice
> --userdir=file:///tmp/.config/libreoffice/4
> /usr/local/src/libreofficedocs/
> 12128
> OfficeConnection: connecting to:
> uno:pipe,name=pytest548aca44-c4b8-11e3-83c3-000c29d3eeee;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext
> NoConnectException: sleeping...
> kill
> kill 12128
I already mentioned on IRC that this means it just did not find any test
files. The connection is working otherwise the NoConnectException would be
repeated. You need to make sure that you point to the correct directory and
otherwise debug why the script is not finding the files in your case. It
works for me so I can't tell you what is wrong in your setup.

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