On 05/05/2014 04:05 PM, florino wrote:
I'm trying to build the current version of LibreOffice on a Mac OS X 10.9.2
with XCode 5.1.1.
After a sync of the current repository I do ./autogen.sh --without-junit and
then make.
The build process usually stops at sw_ooxmlexport, sw_ooxmlimport,
sw_rtfexport or sw_rtfimport.
I cannot reproduce any such problems with recent master (where only the
known-problematic CppunitTest_sc_opencl_test crashes for me).
If you set "ulimit -c unlimited" the crashing tests should leave behind
/cores/core.* files on which you can use gdb or lldb to generate
backtraces for all the threads; that might give a clue. (I think recent
Xcode only includes lldb, so you might only have that. Also, in my
experience, quality of how gdb vs. lldb can handle any given core file
on OS X seems to vary, for whatever odd reasons.)
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