* Present:
    + Eike, David, Thorsten, Adam, Michael M, Andras, Norbert, Stephan,
      Kendy, Miklos, Christian, Caolan, Astron, Markus, Michael S, Lionel,
* Completed Action Items:
    + review/merge LibreOfficeKit rename bits (Michael)
    + ask students to blog about their GSOC work (mentors)
    + merge existing Fedora openSSL patches (Caolan)
* GSOC Update (Cedric)
    + all going well, no problems yet.
    + mid-term evaluations: 23rd-27th June.
        + 10 days away ...
    + Fridrich can't attend the mentor summit -> Thorsten going instead.
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 4.2.5 RC2 status
        + tagged noon today, delayed by some gerrit problems.
        + building win/linux/mac - should announce tonight to early QA ML.
    + 4.3.0 UI and string freeze: next week - branch libreoffice-4-3-0 two 
weeks after that for second RC.
        + nevertheless 1 review needed after the tag for rc1
    + tinderbox / windows build on 4.3 branch and master hangs
        + what hangs ? (Michael)
            + sometimes hang in unit tests (Norbert)
                 + that should be fixed now (Markus)
                 + one for a v. short period of time, now fixed (Stephan)
        + last succesful build was a while ago, just killed & re-started (Cloph)
            + need to check the environment
    + Google Drive keys (Norbert)
AI:     + need to send GDrive configure / keys to Norbert (Cloph)
    + Android / iOS remote
     + Late features ?
            + libreofficekit bits / rename etc. [ in now ]
            + OpenGL pieces / status
               + impress work as well ?
                   + pending GL capabilities check to avoid crashes
                       + mostly affects Linux ...
                     [ starting to be at risk ! ]
               + experimentalising 3D chart bits.
                   + at risk [ Tamas to look at that ]
            + Calc performance fixes (?)
            + Writer performance fix - Tor working on it.
            + libfreetype for Windows? (Kendy)
               + for FPS rendering in glTF...
               + lots of size shipping 500k+ of freetype for an un-seen
                 mis-feature (Caolan)
* allow upgrade of access2base (Lionel?)
    + access2base now included in LibreOffice 4.2 and later
    + technical structure: one Basic library (and that's it)
       + for other branches (other forks of OO.org & LibreOffice 4.1 and 
         available as extension
    + competitive "disadvantage": users of other branches
      can have newer access2base faster (install extension)
    + not possible for LibO 4.2 & later because extension not allowed
      to override part of LibreOffice (only other extension)
       + policy exception for access2base can have new features within stable 
          + I don't like that
       + allow extensions to override any part of LibreOffice?
          + no, significant resistance
       + demote access2base to bundled extension?
          + makes Acces2Base much less "official" in LibreOffice :-(
            (also more work)
          + problems with bundled extensions in the past (Michael)
       + allow extensions to override only access2base
          + Lionel's preferred option.
          + problem comes from extension using the same name etc. (Stephan)
               + mostly a problem with basic modules, not an expert there.
               + take Noel's advice from the list.
               + ok to add something for access2base, no general fix.
                    + always troubles with namespaces.
          + fairly sure this will work well tested it in the build.
               + change test of who can override what; done on the file-path
    + why not make it a bundled extension ? (Michael Stahl)
          + this is what it was designed for.
          + why did we move away from bundled extensions ? (Lionel)
               + problems with native code bundled extensions (Stephan)
               + problems with the upgrade scenarios.
               + shouldn't affect basic.
          + when was this included ? (Stephan)
               + was included in 4.2 (Lionel)
    + switching to bundling in 4.2 is a larger change
       + vs. a 1-line patch to say it can be overridden (Lionel)
       + happy with a 1-line change in 4.2 (Michael S)
          + concerned wrt. the future making it a bundled extension.
AI:       + merge 1-liner to 4.2 / 4.3 / master (Lionel)
AI:       + research / seek a saner solution for master (Stephan)
* UX Update (Astron)
    + not a huge amount of activity.
    + UI status in 4.3
        + conditional formats dialog and named ranges regressed vs. 4.2 / 4.1
        + in dialog layout conversions etc. ?
            + anyone with free cycles
AI:     + file bugs for Caolan / students (Astron)
            + "manage named ranges" -> button positioning changed.
            + not functionality: just positioning
            + also "conditional formats" dialog.
    + theme changes
        + tool / wrench button, styles etc. concerned.
        + suggest revert to previous one
        + can we find a 3rd party to break the deadlock ? (Michael)
AI:         + ask UX advise (revert or not) ? (Astron)
    + Sifr icon authors - poked again.
* Crashtest update (Markus)
      + new result including writer/impress/draw
          + an hour to go until results appear
          + includes PDF import (with several crashes)
      + summary will be available as
      + PPT/PPTX regressed - to 5% crashing
      + DOCX quite bad at 2.5%
      + the rest - below 1%
      + memcheck results ? ...
          + thanks to the City Of Largo
              + http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/crashtest/memcheck.zip
              + grep for 'Invalid' or 'conditional jump'
          + most serious already fixed
* Certification Committee (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
     + waiting until ~September
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Paris Hackfest:
        + June 27-28th
        + please add yourself to the wiki:
            + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Paris2014
    + new candidate - Toulouse ...
        + Confirmed for Nov. 15-16th
        + more details: 
* flagging of UI-relevant changes in commit messages (cloph)
    + git-hook where automatically possible (like changes to glade 
    + tell gerrit-reviewers to have an eye on the commit summary
    + gerrit bot to announce weekly
       + make it easy for interested community members to see it.
    + can we have tags [UI] added to the commit schema.
    + yes - create a script to add that etc. (Thorsten)
       + preferably want it for feature branches / master development (Cloph)
       + useful to update help / documention (Michael)
    + concerned wrt. a culture of "find out what johnny is doing and tell him 
to stop!" (Michael)
       + ux-advise was the approach before, developers reaching out (Michael)
          + some things not asked there (Cloph)
    + can feed in from a bot from the git commits (Kendy)
       + in the past, commit hooks forced minority to do what majority already 
does (Miklos)
    + problem is - git hooks can detect automatically - no point in markup 
       + case where markup is useful, hooks cannot detect it.
    + informally - can we put UI: in front of stuff (Thorsten)
    + creating a script / server to show UI changes on some server (Thorsten)
       + something like the gerrit news mails somewhere, weekly or so ?
AI: + scripting to generate last week's UI changes (Cloph)
[ punted to next week ]
* --enable-werror as the default? (Kendy)
    + I for one feel bad when other people keep cleaning up my mess ;-) - so is 
      a reason not to have --enable-werror by default?
* using libffi in bridges (Kendy)
    + recently looked at libffi again, and it seems we could get rid of quite 
      copy'n'pasted & platform dependant code, any objections to introduce it 
* HackFest Box (Kendy)
    + did we get approval for that?
* woes with gerrit / phantom conflicts when submitting/merging (cloph)
    + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/9663/ 
https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/9664/ and 
    + in state "Submitted, Merge pending" without info, only after David had a 
look, the message about conflicts showed up
        → conflicts in files unrelated to the actual change, cherry-picking 
works without problem
    + for 9516 David managed to make gerrit happy, but even despite it claiming 
"merged", it didn't show up in the repository
    + 9663 didn't notice manual push, still in "ready" stage, for 9664 it did 
pick up the manual push (→ "merged")
    + Don't use gerrit's "cherry-pick" for changes that had conflicts to 
resolve (just coincidence?)
        + manually push to gerrit and/or double check that.
    + bug on that open since January - 'low prio' ...
        + could well be related to similar loss of patches etc.
* New Windows based GNU Make (Michael S)
    + please try it out
    + 30% faster for a full-build, vs. an un-patched up-stream cygwin make.
       + even 5->10% faster than our patched one.
    + catch is: upgrade the cygwin etc. (Norbert)
       + working on making it build in tandem currently.
    + nice work ! (Michael)
* QA [ punted, Robinson absent ]
    + Unconfirmed count: down to 1100 or so.
        + Joel targetting 500 over the summer; we'll see.
    + closed out a number of un-responded-to NEEDINFO bugs.
    + Needadvice:
        + please keep track if you've tagged them; good to CC people on those.
    + buzilla migration (Norbert)
        + when its good enough will go back to Tollef for a real date.
             [ Norbert still crushed by a work cycle ]
        + need to get bugzilla migration bits under gerrit so we can get 
            + QA team eager to help out.
* QA stats:
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +172    -136        (+36 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Jay Philips         19
        tommy27              9
        bfoman               8
        m.a.riosv            8
        Julien Nabet         6
        Jean-Baptiste Faure  6
        Caolán McNamara     6
        Alex Thurgood        5
        Adolfo Jayme         5
        Maxim Monastirsky    3
        Cor Nouws            3
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 5/22 3/20 5/16 4/12 2/8 3/7 2/5 1/2 1/2 0/1 0/1
     22% 15%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=75025&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 71/207 71/205 73/200 64/190 62/184 49/165  18/128 19/124 18/123 24/120 
     34%    34%    36%    33%    33%    29%     14%    15%    14%    20%    17%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=65675&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.1 MAB
  + None - down to zero
     + many thanks to tommy27 !
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 75/259 70/249 59/231 48/215 45/208 46/207 47/201 47/198 46/197 39/189
    + http://bit.ly/VQfF3Q
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 331(+13) bugs open of 2692(+29) total
            ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 106 (+8)
           Spreadsheet - 50 (+5)
               Crashes - 23 (-1)
          Presentation - 22 (-1)
           Libreoffice - 21 (-2)
                    UI - 20 (+0)
              Database - 18 (+0)
               Borders - 15 (+0)
              Graphics - 14 (-1)
               Drawing - 12 (+1)
                 Chart - 11 (-1)
               Filters - 10 (+2)
           Print / PDF -  9 (+1)
            Extensions -  5 (+0)
               Formula -  3 (+0)
            Linguistic -  3 (+0)
             framework -  3 (-1)
          Installation -  2 (+0)
                 BASIC -  2 (+0)
             Migration -  1 (+0)
                   sdk -  0 (+0)
        Impress Remote -  0 (+0)
  + http://bit.ly/15mM2Yn - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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