Dear friends,

I wanted to make sure that you and your group are aware of the Free
Software Foundation's
LibrePlanet 2019 conference, coming up at MIT in Cambridge, MA on March
23-24. Libreplanet is an annual conference about free software --
software that respects computer user freedom. The conference features
two days of presentations by software developers, law and policy
experts, activists, and more. You can learn more and catch up on the
latest updates about the conference at

If you think this is appropriate for your network, please pass on the
news! Some more info about the event is below.

Thanks so much!
Dana Morgenstein
Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Free Software Foundation


LibrePlanet is an annual conference for free software enthusiasts,
bringing together software developers, policy experts, activists and
computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and face
challenges to software freedom. This year's conference is happening on
March 23-24, at MIT, in Cambridge, MA. Newcomers are always welcome, and
LibrePlanet 2019 will feature programming for all ages and experience
levels. FSF members and students attend gratis. Learn more at; register at

LibrePlanet 2019's theme is "Trailblazing Free Software." In 1983, the
free software movement was born with the announcement of the GNU
Project. FSF founder Richard Stallman saw the dangers of proprietary
code from the beginning: when code was kept secret from users, they
would be controlled by the technology they used, instead of vice versa.
In contrast, free software emphasized a community-oriented philosophy of
sharing code freely, enabling people to understand how the programs they
used worked, to build off of each other's code, to pay it forward by
sharing their own code, and to create useful software that treated users

When he identified control over one's own computer as a requirement for
ethical, trustworthy computing, Stallman anticipated some of the most
toxic aspects of today's proprietary software-filled world, including
Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), bulk surveillance, and Service as
a Software Substitute (SaaSS)
With a new and growing generation of free software enthusiasts, we can
take this conference as an opportunity to discuss both the present and
the future of the free software movement. Using the Four Freedoms
<> as a litmus test for
ethical computing, we ask, "How will free software continue to bring to
life trailblazing, principled new technologies and new approaches to the

Dana Morgenstein // Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Free Software Foundation
+1 617 542 5942

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