On the topic of Skype replacements, I just found out about WebRTC.
E.g., there is http://sipml5.org/ (which works with Chrome Canary) and
I think Mozilla is working on getting WebRTC support into Firefox (so
it should hopefully make it into Iceweasel/Icecat too).
This could dramatically boost the popularity of SIP, which could be an
avenue away from Skype for the masses.

Then again, my feeling at the moment is that XMPP/Jingle is the best
protocol for voice/video calls... so it depends a lot on technological
developments over the next few months....

What do you guys think about WebRTC?

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:56 PM, John Sullivan <jo...@fsf.org> wrote:
> Ramana Kumar <ramana.ku...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Also I'm not sure why it's LGPL rather than GPL...
> Good question, I don't know the answer.
>>> Ekiga should in theory work for video calls, and use Ogg Theora, and I
>>> have had some luck with it when talking to another GNU/Linux user. But
>>> cross-platform attempts have failed.
>>> For just audio calls, at the FSF we tend to use Twinkle.
>> Thanks for the info.
>> Where do you guys tend to get your SIP/XMPP addresses from?
>> Put the answer on the Wiki actually.
> We run our own asterisk server and ejabberd. (Not much interesting there
> to put on the wiki I don't think).
>>> GNU Telephony is promising, and people can support it at
>>> https://my.fsf.org/donate/working-together/telephony/.
>> What exactly is the aim there? Apart from donating how can we support?
>> What's the timeline for success?
> The aim is to provide decentralized secure voice and video
> communication.
> I'm sure they would welcome hacker support as well as funding, and
> questions about the future of the project would be best addressed to the
> maintainers / development list.
>>> For all the ideas in this thread, I started a placeholder at
>>> http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Skype_Replacement -- I hope people can
>>> help populate that and organize the way forward. We have those wiki
>>> pages for other High Priority Projects (you can see them in the
>>> category), not sure why we didn't have a Skype one yet. An assessment of
>>> the existing options would be a great start for the page.
>> Thanks a lot John for starting this page! I hope it becomes a rich
>> resource. I have started filling in more details already. Join me, all :)
> Thanks for getting it rolling!
> -john
> --
> John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
> GPG Key: 61A0963B | http://identi.ca/johnsu01 | http://fsf.org/blogs/RSS
> Do you use free software? Donate to join the FSF and support freedom at
> <http://www.fsf.org/register_form?referrer=8096>.

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