Hi Bart,

Bart Kelsey <elba...@gmail.com> writes:

> Apologies if someone else has already mentioned this idea, but if not I
> figured it might be a good idea to toss it out there and see what people
> think.
> Should DRM happen to get into the HTML5 standard over the objections of the
> EFF, FSF, and reasonable people everywhere, it might be beneficial to stage
> a protest similar to the SOPA blackout, wherein we convince large websites
> to make themselves unavailable for one day to any web browsers that support
> the new standard, with an explanation that this is what the web will
> eventually be like for users who have browsers that *don't* support DRM.
> If such a protest is already planned, I'd be interested to know who is
> organizing it, so I can get my own website (OpenGameArt) involved.  If not,
> I'd be willing to help spearhead the effort.

Yes, we have a plan for this in the works. We were planning to do it as
a way to stop the proposal from advancing, and are open to suggestions
about when the best timing to achieve that would be. We'll keep
OpenGameArt in the loop, and if you want to actively participate in
helping to shape it, shoot us an email at <campai...@fsf.org>.


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