On 2015-03-10 23:38, Cardoza, Michael wrote:
I suppose your right about education. it can be frustrating that this
is all we can do at times. I suppose educate and hope that the
internet of things is implemented so bad it's a horrible failure. I am
sure however that they will keep trying until they get things to catch
on. But this is quickly becoming no longer a question of if you can
use your computer in freedom. It's becoming if you can use anything in

On 03/10/2015 10:00 pm, J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

rysiek wrote:

Rather, "Internet of Broken Things":


But yes, the question of retaining software freedom in a world of
things is a valid one, and a hard one. There is no silver bullet,
and the
market will not solve this one (not that it solved any other
problems). I think our best bet is (*shudders*) regulation.

It seems to me that that reddit.com discussion all too quickly gets
distracted in a side issue of complexity. People have long lived
with complexity greater than most people understand (depending on
what you look at, humans have never really understood everything we
work with). But this complexity discussion quickly distracts
attention away from treating each other ethically. Perhaps that's
the real value of the complexity argument if you look at this from
an "open source" perspective (the open source movement was founded
to distract attention away from software freedom in order to speak
to businesses[1]). We don't need to understand everything so deeply
to understand how to treat each other ethically. In software,
software freedom is a prerequisite for ethical treatment (I imagine
I hardly need to explain that here on libreplanet-discuss).

The problem of the NSA scandals and Snowden's revelations isn't
that things are more broken than we realize. It's that people are
being spied on constantly in ways they don't realize and spying has
long been known to have powerfully ugly consequences. The spying
itself is a direct contradiction of the brokenness argument --
spying works quite well and that's why so many spies are interested
in it. This spying can sometimes require nonfree software (such as
with DRM); when people have software freedom they can and do improve
software so programs obey the users and no longer obey the spies.

I think the best approach is an old one -- educate everyone,
including the young, to appreciate software freedom for its own sake
and keep on doing this for generations. I can't think of anything
significant that was obtained with a quick ("silver bullet")
approach or by placating a set of rules engineered to reinforce the
rule of the currently powerful (aka "the market").

[1] See
https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html [2]
and http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
[3] for more on this and on how the older free software movement
differs from the younger open source movement.


support computing freedom and join the FSF: http://www.fsf.org/ [4]

[2] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html
[3] http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
[4] http://www.fsf.org/
If the freedom community to create "things" free in IoT context, so maybe It'll there FIoT (Freedom Internet of Things). I'd like that community should think to continue change the world.
Daniel Pimentel (d4n1)

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