rysiek <rys...@hackerspace.pl> writes:

> Dnia wtorek, 17 marca 2015 01:03:55 Nicolás Reynolds pisze:
>> rysiek <rys...@hackerspace.pl> writes:
>> > Hi there,
>> > 
>> > the Gitlab/Gitorius situation rekindled my interest in what I would call
>> > the "next step" in software development management -- a truly
>> > decentralised/federated platform.
>> > 
>> > First step could be to have different instances being able to "talk to
>> > each
>> > other", a bit like different Diaspora pods and Friendica servers talk to
>> > each other. So as to make pull requests, issue tracking, etc,
>> > near-seamless *across* different servers.
>> https://github.com/toolmantim/bananajour
> This is pretty much awesome. :)
> I will be a heavy user of this little gem, thank you!


> However, also not exactly what I have in mind here... As far as I understand, 
> bananajour does not sport issue tracking, does it? That's something I'm 
> actually looking for. Git is great for decentralized source code control, but 
> we need something else for decentralized issue tracking (as per ESR's article 
> I linked in the second leg of this thread).

there're some distributed issue trackers that reside on a branch of the
repo.  i think the most maintained of this bunch is ticgit-ng



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