
First of all, I acknowledge this list is mainly about free software, but I believe hardware is closely related so I am risking a question about it here. If there's a better place for this question, please accept my apologies and let me know where to go!

I really like the idea of copyleft and licenses such as the GPLv3. What is the closest equivalent of GPLv3 for hardware?

There's lots of talk about "open source hardware" but I haven't seen anything about free hardware (as in freedom, of course). I understand that software is more in the realm of copyright and hardware more about patents, but regardless of the RMS's or FSF's official stance on the issue, of all the existing "open" hardware licenses, is there one that most closely matches the GPLv3?

My follow up question is: Since software and hardware are often closely integrated, if I develop free (as in freedom) hardware, should I license the hardware under a free hardware license, while separately licensing the accompanying software under the GPLv3?

Thank you.

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