I can make free repository

and I can make fork from docker uses by default this repository
but I dont have server to make it
have fun and be free
ali miracle

2016-04-24 6:49 جرينتش-07:00, Rudolf <omo...@gmail.com>:
> When it's plainly outlined like that it seems that the freedom problems in
> Docker are the same ones encountered with GNU/Linux distributions that have
> proprietary packages in their package repositories and have those available
> by default.
> Docker itself and additional software are licensed under the Apache 2.0
> license. The Docker Hub which stores both proprietary and free/libre
> packages is not free software but the underlying repository hosting/storage
> software is licensed under the Apache 2.0.
> That means we can do what F-Droid and what free/libre repos for
> Ubuntu/Debian are doing and provide an alternative repository that only
> hosts free/libre application containers.
> The biggest issue is that the default repository is set to Docker Hub which
> contains both free and non-free application containers (which can be seen
> here: https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/registry/config.go#L54)
> They do provide some instructions on using alternative repositories:
> https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/pull/#pulling-from-a-different-registry
> Docker Inc. pushes their own trusted registry which has to be paid for with
> their instructions here:
> https://docs.docker.com/docker-trusted-registry/overview/
> But they do state that their trusted registry and Docker Hub are both built
> on the Apache 2.0-licensed "distribution" code base:
> https://github.com/docker/distribution
> The system that does the packaging is Apache 2.0 licensed; GNU Guix is a
> better approach though but that's neither here nor there.
> -rudolf
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 5:24 AM Richard Stallman <r...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>   > this is the repository
>>   > https://hub.docker.com/
>>   > When you want to run container
>>   > you must type docker run The container in you want to run
>>   > docker will Download the container from the repository and run it
>> That means there are three different ethical issues:
>> * The system that does the packaging.
>> * What it puts into a container (aside from the program
>> you want to package).  Of course, if you package a nonfree
>> program, the container will not be free.  But suppose
>> you package a free program: is the container free?
>> * The repository where it stores containers.
>> You've just said it contains nonfree containers.
>> Also how are these related?
>> 1. Do they distribute a program with which you can do
>> packaging on your own computer?  If so, is it free?
>> (I expect it probably is, but I don't actually know.)
>> Or does packaging work as SaaSS ?  See
>> http://gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html.
>> 2. To run a container, are you compelled to run it from
>> their repository?  Or is their repository merely one way
>> that containers can be distributed?
>> Thus, I wonder exactly what this means:
>>   > you must type docker run The container in you want to run
>>   > docker will Download the container from the repository and run it
>> When you say "must", is this the ONLY way to run a container,
>> downloaded straight from the repository?  That method of distributing
>> them and running them is bad, because (1) if the repository contains
>> nonfree containers, we don't want to link to it, and (2) when users
>> run any program straight off someone else's server without the step of
>> deciding which package to install, that suppresses development and
>> release of other versions, and modification by the user.
>> --
>> Dr Richard Stallman
>> President, Free Software Foundation (gnu.org, fsf.org)
>> Internet Hall-of-Famer (internethalloffame.org)
>> Skype: No way! See stallman.org/skype.html.

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