professionals from various fields (especially outside programming)
sharing their positive experiences with free software! We see a lot of
people on the Internet dissing programs like GIMP, LibreOffice and
GNU/Linux itself without offering any valid insights, but there are
plenty of people using it successfully in their careers.

Showing finished, professional and high-quality products made with free
software is undoubtedly the best way to convince people to try it. We
already know free software is used in countless products, but
non-activists rarely speak about it openly.

Of course, this means showcasing finished products that aren't
necessarily free themselves, but I think the positive aspects outweigh
the negative ones. I really hope OCS-Mag's initiative will continue and
that more people will adhere to it - programs like Blender, Audacity,
GNU Octave and Ardour have plenty of pro users which could use an interview!

Anyone out there has anything to share right now?

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