Thank you James for the feedback!

For the record the only personal gain I'd like from this is for the crowdfunding to succeed to I can get a fully libre NAS. :) And therefore I'm planning to back the project.

Still hoping it will succeed!

On 24/03/17 13:46, James McFarland wrote:
Yes I noticed this as well.

In terms of offended, I am not in this case - and in some cases I am -
it depends (to me ; only my opinion) if I believe the message is an
attempt to use this list for promotion and personal gain.

What I do is to add a disclaimer to inform readers as to my personal
relationship with said product.

For example: "I am not affiliated with company x and I do not have any
financial interest in product y"

And I sometimes I add that I am only and interested potential
customer/user etc.

I learned this back in the days before the commercial internet.

In gratitude,

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

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